Here are a couple of examples of deficiencies in the Somali parenting scheme.
The Somali culture, in general, discourages children to engage their parents in a constructive dialogue, let alone challenge them. It is culturally inappropriate for children to answer or to disagree (respectfully or disrespectfully) with their parents or elders. Children are supposed to listen only. They know nothing. Parents and elders know everything. Whenever a child attempts to voice an opinion, he/she is accused of “talking back”. Talking back is sacrilege. In the process, the child’s opportunity to develop critical consciousness, which requires intercommunication as opposed to receiving communiqués, and a voice is suppressed. I would encourage Somali parents to start conversing with their children. Most importantly, to listen to their voices.
Somali parents routinely swear at their children: balaayo kugu dhacdey, stubid, jinni kula tag, belo kuqaadey, etc. Consequently, children also begin swearing. Somali parents must start curbing their swearing tendencies if they want to raise disciplined children.
Monday Briefing: Violence Continues in Syria
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